Inspired by her grandmother, she wants to be a ‘school mom’ Thornapple Kellogg — For the first day of school at Page Elementary, Principal Amy Forman bought a bubble machine to kick off a fun school year.
TK Students Lend a Hand Supporting United Way Day of Caring Thornapple Kellogg High School students donned gloves to pick weeds, took off their shoes and socks to move rocks from the water’s edge, and learned how to use a hammer and pry bar to remove nails from old decking boards. A younger TK student even gave a speech at Thursday morning’s Barry County United Way campaign kickoff.
Fourth Graders Take on 9-11 Stair Challenge “100, 101, 102, 103,” students counted as they climbed up and down the steps in Bob White Stadium in honor of the 413 first responders who lost their lives on 9-11-01.
TK Teachers Earn Above and Beyond Awards Two teachers received the annual Thornapple Kellogg Education Association Above and Beyond Awards. This award is presented each year to staff members who are nominated by their peers for the work they do and their efforts to go above and beyond what is expected. The award was named after retired first grade teacher Shelley Erb.
New Teachers Hired at TK Schools Thornapple Kellogg Schools is starting the school year with 15 new teachers. These new staff members fill vacancies created by retirements or other teachers leaving the district.
TK Staff Get Inspiration and Excitement for New Year Color guard members twirled their flags in unison, the TK marching band proudly belted out the school fight song and Thornapple Kellogg staff members enthusiastically clapped and sang along as everyone was welcomed to the start of the 2024-25 school year.
Back To School Open Houses/Registration Dates Welcome to the 2024-25 school year at Thornapple Kellogg! Whether you are a returning student or new to the district, we are glad you are here and we are excited for a new school year! We look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of school, Aug. 26.
Suggested School Supplies for 2024-25 School Year Please see suggested school supply lists for 4th and 5th grades.
OM Team Sets Eyes on World Finals This year’s Odyssey of the Mind season isn’t over quite yet for one Page Elementary team that is advancing to the World Finals in Iowa. That means practice, practice and more practice.