Page Students Choose Outdoor Learning Day With blankets, beach towels, lawn chairs, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen, Stacy Sikkema’s fourth-grade class took all their learning materials and moved outside for a full day of outdoor learning.
Reading Celebration Filled with Awards, Honors and GOOP! Page students celebrated their very successful reading month with the final schoolwide Battle of the Books and the announcement of four top readers and two top classrooms. Principal Gregg Bruno dressed up with colorful wings, a pink and purple skirt and colorful pink and blue wig to introduce the battles. But nothing could compare to the students’ excitement of being able to “GOOP” their principal and one teacher after reaching their reading goals for March.
HS Students Present Dangers of Tobacco and Nicotine Use Fourth graders scrunched up their noses and let out an “ewww” as they felt the blackened pig lung used to demonstrate effects of tobacco on the lungs. They didn’t like how it looked or how it felt and that is just the reaction high school demonstrators were hoping to see.
Friendship Bracelets Remind Students to Be Kind Choosing words like loving, caring, respectful, positive, trustworthy and nice, Page students created their own friendship bracelets as a reminder to be kind.
Page Wax Museum Brings History To Life Walt Disney, Milton Hershey, Pocahontas, Florence Nightingale, Theodore Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. were just a few of the famous people brought to life in Page Elementary’s wax museum.
TKAA Gives Gifts to New Elementary Teachers Thornapple Kellogg Alumni Association gave $100 to each of the nine new TK elementary teachers to help them purchase items for their classrooms.
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? A dog greeted every visitor to Dr. Becca Kursch’s talk about veterinary medicine. In another room, students got a chance to test their witness skills before Barry County Judge Mike Schipper and just down the hall Dr. Jayne Corts showed students how a pig’s lung inflates when air is blown into it.
Vending Machine Dishes Out New Books to Students! Fourth-grader Clara Keizer looks up at the new vending machine in the Page Elementary lobby contemplating her choices. But this vending machine doesn’t spit out energy drinks or protein snacks to fuel the body. Instead, it offers fuel for the mind - books!
Page Living Wax Museum Welcomes Guests As parents and family members stepped into the Page Elementary Living Wax Museum, they were surrounded by historical and famous figures including athletes, scientists, writers, astronauts and inventors.
Students Compete for Battle of the Books Title It took 25 rounds of questions about various books before this year’s Page Elementary Battle of the Books champion was crowned. It came down to two Clara’s - Clara Keizer who eventually won the champion title, and Clara McKeown who finished as runner-up.