Page Elementary Home

Encouraging and developing the greatest potential of each student

News & Announcements

Page Elementary 5th grader Vivian Forbes addresses the volunteers at the opening event for the United Way Day of Caring.

TK Students Lend a Hand Supporting United Way Day of Caring

Thornapple Kellogg High School students donned gloves to pick weeds, took off their shoes and socks to move rocks from the water’s edge, and learned how to use a hammer and pry bar to remove nails from old decking boards. A younger TK student even gave a speech at Thursday morning’s Barry County United Way campaign kickoff.
Page fourth graders take a stair challenge to honor 9-11 first responders.

Fourth Graders Take on 9-11 Stair Challenge

“100, 101, 102, 103,” students counted as they climbed up and down the steps in Bob White Stadium in honor of the 413 first responders who lost their lives on 9-11-01.
Jennifer Filipiak and Tim Penfield are the recipients of this year's Shelly Erb Above and Beyond Award.

TK Teachers Earn Above and Beyond Awards

Two teachers received the annual Thornapple Kellogg Education Association Above and Beyond Awards. This award is presented each year to staff members who are nominated by their peers for the work they do and their efforts to go above and beyond what is expected. The award was named after retired first grade teacher Shelley Erb.
Fourteen of the new teachers at TK Schools gather for training before the first day of school.

New Teachers Hired at TK Schools

Thornapple Kellogg Schools is starting the school year with 15 new teachers. These new staff members fill vacancies created by retirements or other teachers leaving the district.


A message from Page Principal Amy Forman

Page Elementary School
Welcome to Page Elementary School!
Our school, filled with fourth and fifth graders, is encouraging, nurturing, and a great place for students to learn. We want all our students to feel safe and welcomed into the TK family. As students embark on their last years at the elementary level, they'll develop independence, critical thinking, working in small groups, and creating projects. Through our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, we celebrate success and positive behaviors to build a safe and caring environment for all. We reinforce positive character traits and prepare students emotionally, socially, and academically for middle school.
We're glad you're here!  We welcome volunteers so please stop in and see us soon!