Students Focus on Gratitude and Respect

"Celebrate all our differences and accept them," said Page Elementary Principal Mike Gelmi. "We're all different and that's OK."

He encouraged students to stay focused and positive.  "Find as many ways and as many times every day we can to be positive," he said.

School counselor Mary Holwerda reminded students holidays can sometimes be stressful times. She said there are many different signs of stress and offered some simple guidelines with ways to cope when things get a little out of control.

Talking with friends or a trusted adult is one way of coping. She said it might also be as simple as getting more sleep, relaxing, and staying in the moment without worrying too much about "what happens next."

She also suggested doing something good to help others can have positive benefits. "Doing something kind for someone else makes you feel good too," she said.

Students from each class were selected by their teachers to share their thoughts about ways they can be respectful and grateful.